ClickFlare Blog

How to Analyze Keyword Performance for Search Arbitrage
Search ArbitrageGuides

How to Analyze Keyword Performance for Search Arbitrage

With search arbitrage becoming more and more popular in recent years, you need to have a competitive edge to be profitable in this industry.  Optimizing your keywords has been proven to have a high impact on your campaign performance, but with most search feed providers only showing one side of the story, how do you […]

July 9, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

NewsBreak Advertising and Tracking in 2024 | Ultimate Guide
Ad Platforms

NewsBreak Advertising and Tracking in 2024 | Ultimate Guide

For the past few years, native advertising has been a hot topic within the world of performance marketing. This is due to the fact that native ads fit seamlessly into the platform they’re on, designed to look as similar as possible to the regular content. This offers a less disruptive user experience than traditional ads, […]

July 2, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

Mastering Keyword Optimization for Search Arbitrage
Search ArbitrageGuides

Mastering Keyword Optimization for Search Arbitrage

If you’re trying to scale your search arbitrage operation, you need to master keyword optimization!  Using the wrong keywords will drain your budget and prevent your growth, regardless of how good your paid advertising strategy is.  In this article, we’ll show you how to find high-potential keywords for search arbitrage; how to test them manually […]

May 8, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

How to Solve the Google Ads Attribution Issue and Boost ROI
GuidesGoogle Ads

How to Solve the Google Ads Attribution Issue and Boost ROI

Understanding which parts of your Google Ads campaigns are working is essential if you’re trying to scale your results.  Here’s where attribution comes in. It allows you to see the full picture of your visitors’ journey, and identify how users interact with your ads.   But how does Google Ads actually attribute conversions, especially in these […]

April 25, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

What is RSOC and How Does It Work: The Ultimate Guide

What is RSOC and How Does It Work: The Ultimate Guide

For the past few months, there has been a major hot topic within the affiliate marketing world – RSOC arbitrage.  If you’ve been to affiliate conferences, online forums, or talked to peers in the industry, you’ve most likely heard of RSOC.  It’s still a fairly new topic, especially within the context of search arbitrage, so […]

April 15, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

What is Pay-Per-Call Marketing | A Complete Guide

What is Pay-Per-Call Marketing | A Complete Guide

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, businesses are always on the lookout for new ways to attract more leads that will convert into sales. One approach that’s been gaining significant traction lately is pay-per-call marketing.  In this article, we’ll explore the fundamentals of pay-per-call marketing, its importance, and where the industry is headed. What […]

April 8, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer